
SAS Field Trip - Ankeny National Wildlife Refuge

Leaders: Paul Evans (317)922-7908

Summer field trips to Ankeny NWR offer access to the interior ponds. We can find a variety of nesting ducks, grebe, Green Heron and American Bittern as their young emerge from grasses and water hedges. Songs and calls of Sora, Virginia Rail, Pied-billed Grebe and Marsh Wren fill the cattails and marshes. Warblers (such as Yellow Warbler and Common Yellowthroat), Yellow-breasted Chat, Black-headed Grosbeak, Bullock’s Oriole, Western Wood-Pewee, Western Tanager, flycatchers and woodpeckers contribute to the aural experience. Mudflats provide our initial glimpses of fall migrating shorebirds. Raptors, including Red-tailed Hawk, Cooper’s Hawk, Bald Eagle, Northern Harrier, American Kestrel and Peregrine Falcon frequent the pattern of waterways, ponds and snag-perch habitat. Osprey can also be seen. Plan on walking a berm with uneven surfaces and going a moderate distance without shade. If time permits we can also explore a cooler boardwalk for more passerines.

Meet at Ankeny Hill Nature Center (AHNC) Parking Lot at 7:30 AM. There are facilities at this location and the trails are now open! We will start here before visiting other locations. Bring water, binoculars and a snack. Trails can be uneven so please wear appropriate footwear. We anticipate finishing before noon. Please note that the gate does not open until 7:00 AM.

Directions: From Salem, take I-5 south to the Ankeny Hill Road exit (Exit 243) and turn right (west). At the Ankeny Hill Road/Wintel Road intersection bear right and continue on Ankeny Hill Road straight (west) approximately 2.2 miles to the AHNC Visitor Center entrance which will be on your left. An alternate route from Salem is to take Liberty Road south to Ankeny Hill Road, then turn left and continue about 0.4 miles to the AHNC Visitor Center entrance which will be on your right. Please do not leave valuables in your vehicle and confirm anything inside is out of sight.

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SAS Shorts - Summer Evening Birdwalks for Common Nighthawks

Leader: Barbara Dolan (971)772-4589

These early evening, nearing dusk – set of two Salem Audubon SHORT walks, will be on two summer evenings to seek and hear Common Nighthawk. Nest building does not occur in this species and the pair may use sandy/rocky areas, stumps, old nests and rooftops to nest. These birds hawk for insects at dusk, at times, night and day, but predominantly evening. We will take a loop from the 3rd parking lot to the river and return hoping to hear and see these birds. We will also enjoy other species connected with water including Osprey and hopefully nestlings on their platform. Spotted Sandpiper, Great Blue Heron and possibly Rough-winged Swallow and other migrants that have nested and/or use the river shoreline or cavities and woodland maybe seen or heard.

Note the evening time is different than the July walk. The walks will be on mostly even surface. If the day is a warm one, suggest good hydration before you come, and prepare for glaring sun reflection and protection while walking along the river. Meet at the #3 parking lot as you enter from River Road S and go west to the #3 lot. Gather at the signage to correct interfering in parking lot traffic. Call the leader if questions.

Meet at Minto-Brown Island Park Parking Lot #3 (the last parking lot in the park). Dress for weather, bring water, binoculars and eye protection for glare along the river. Trails may be uneven so wear appropriate footwear. Each walk will last approximately 1 hour 15 minutes. Once parked, please gather at the signage board to not interfere with other park traffic.

Directions: From River Road South, turn west at the signal at Minto Island Road and proceed to the last parking lot. Please do not leave valuables in your vehicle and confirm anything inside is out of sight.

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SAS Shorts - Illahe Hills Country Club

Leaders: Paul Evans, Roxy Evans Please contact the leader at to confirm your registration for this trip.

Illahe Hills Country Club has been graciously hosting limited guided bird walks. These enjoyable walks work jointly to see the birds, animals, and plants as well as to collect data. Illahe Hills CC is now certified by the International Audubon Society. This designation credentials the golf course's good stewardship for wildlife, plants, and ecosystems on the course and the surrounding grounds. Walks are open to Illahe members and limited Salem Audubon Society guests through sign-up (see below). The course is close to Minto Brown Island Park and abuts local farms. Over 90 bird species have been recorded. Ospreys, Bald Eagles and Great Horned Owls nest here and are regularly seen. New birders are welcome!

Registered participants should meet in front of the Country Club entrance at 8:00 AM. Please park in the main parking area, not in front of the clubhouse! Dress for the weather and bring water, sun block, a hat and binoculars. Restroom facilities are available. We will be finished before 11:00 AM. Please contact the leader at to confirm your registration for this trip.

Directions: From Salem, proceed south on River Road to Country Club Road South and turn right (west) on Country Club Road South. Proceed a short distance and the country club with ample parking area will be straight ahead.

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SAS Shorts - Summer Evening Birdwalks for Common Nighthawks

Leader: Barbara Dolan (971)772-4589

These early evening, nearing dusk – set of two Salem Audubon SHORT walks, will be on two summer evenings to seek and hear Common Nighthawk. Nest building does not occur in this species and the pair may use sandy/rocky areas, stumps, old nests and rooftops to nest. These birds hawk for insects at dusk, at times, night and day, but predominantly evening. We will take a loop from the 3rd parking lot to the river and return hoping to hear and see these birds. We will also enjoy other species connected with water including Osprey and hopefully nestlings on their platform. Spotted Sandpiper, Great Blue Heron and possibly Rough-winged Swallow and other migrants that have nested and/or use the river shoreline or cavities and woodland maybe seen or heard.

Join us if you can on these two dates. Note the evening time for each walk is different. The walks will be on mostly even surface. If the day is a warm one, suggest good hydration before you come, and prepare for glaring sun reflection and protection while walking along the river. Meet at the #3 parking lot as you enter from River Road S and go west to the #3 lot. Gather at the signage to correct interfering in parking lot traffic. Call the leader if questions.

Meet at Minto-Brown Island Park Parking Lot #3 (the last parking lot in the park). Dress for weather, bring water, binoculars and eye protection for glare along the river. Trails may be uneven so wear appropriate footwear. Each walk will last approximately 1 hour 15 minutes. Once parked, please gather at the signage board to not interfere with other park traffic.

Directions: From River Road South, turn west at the signal at Minto Island Road and proceed to the last parking lot. Please do not leave valuables in your vehicle and confirm anything inside is out of sight.

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SAS Field Trip - Ankeny National Wildlife Refuge

The beginning of summer brings opportunities to view different wildlife and growing plants at the nature refuge. Meet at Ankeny Hill Nature Center (AHNC) Parking Lot at 7:00 AM. There are facilities at this location and the trails are now open! We will start here before visiting Pintail Marsh and other locations. Bring water, binoculars, and a snack. Trails can be uneven so please wear appropriate footwear. We anticipate finishing by noon. Directions: From Salem, take I-5 south to the Ankeny Hill Road exit (Exit 243) and turn right (west). At the Ankeny Hill Road/Wintel Road intersection continue strait on Wintel Rd. South. Watch for signs. An alternate route from Salem is to take Liberty Road south to Ankeny Hill Road,then turn right on Buena Vista Road South and continue to Wintel Road and turn left. Please do not leave valuables in your vehicle and confirm anything inside is out of sight. Leaders: Mike Unger, Paul Evans, and Tim Johnson

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Cannon Beach Puffin Trip

Trip Leader: Tim Johnson 503 507-8552

About the Trip: Tufted Puffins are true pelagic birds that spend most of their lives in the open seas of the central north Pacific Ocean. With a solid black body, contrasting white face, large orange bill and golden head plumes, this seabird strikes an impressive profile during breeding season.

Meet at 8:00 AM on the beach on the north side of Haystack Rock in Cannon Beach (look for all the scopes on the beach). Public parking can be found downtown across the street from Theresa’s Market (1170 S Hemlock St, Cannon Beach). It’s approximately a 15-20 minute walk from there to the Haystack Rock.

No matter where you park, the sand can be wet and very soft, so please wear appropriate footwear, and dress for the weather. Cannon Beach is a bit over a 2-hour drive from Salem, then a walk to Haystack Rock, depending on where you park. Please plan your departure time to get to the beach at around 8:00 AM. Low tide occurs around 8:45 AM.

Directions to Cannon Beach: From Salem, it’s approximately 120 miles to Cannon Beach, about 2 hours 15 minutes depending on traffic. Take I-5 north to Hwy. 217, proceed northwest on Hwy. 217 to Hwy. 26, proceed west on Hwy. 26 to US 101, turn south to Cannon Beach. Either a GPS app or physical maps should get you to Theresa’s Market or Tolovana Beach.

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SAS Shorts – Willamette Mission State Park

Leader: Dominic Valenti (503) 507-7008

A wide variety of bird species can be seen at this beautiful state park during the summer months, including Wood Duck, Band-tailed Pigeon, Hutton's Vireo, Purple Finch, Lazuli Bunting, and various swallows, flycatchers, and warblers. The Willamette River also makes this a great spot for Bald Eagle, Osprey, Belted Kingfisher, Spotted Sandpiper, and both Great Blue and Green Heron. We'll walk approximately 2.5 miles on both paved and dirt trails, and this field trip should take us about 3 hours to complete. It will likely be sunny and warm, so don't forget to bring water and sunscreen!

Meet in the Filbert Grove day-use area. A state park pass is required for this location. (Single day permits can also be purchased for $5 from the fee station near the park entrance.)

Directions: From Salem, take River Road N through Keizer to Wheatland Road NE, which is just past the entry to McNary Estates. Turn left on Wheatland Road NE to the entrance to Willamette Mission SP. An alternate way is to take I-5 north to the Brooks/Gervais exit (Brooklake Road NE), turn left, continue to Wheatland Road NE, turn right and continue to the park entrance. Hope to see you there!

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SAS Shorts - Keizer Rapids Park

Keizer Rapids Park
Leader: Dominic Valenti (503) 507-7008
Meet in the public parking lot near the boat launch area. This short walk on both paved trails and dirt paths will cover about 1.5 miles and should take us between 1.5 to 2 hours to complete. This park is situated along the Willamette River, and includes both shaded woods and open fields, making for a nice variety of bird species year-round. With this early spring walk, we will also be on the lookout for incoming migrants such as Turkey Vulture, Rufous Hummingbird, Orange-crowned Warbler, Osprey, and swallows. Hope to see you there!
Directions: From Salem: Take River Road N, turn left onto Chemawa Road N, turn left onto Walsh Way N, and proceed to the parking lot at the end of the road near the boat ramp.

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Bees and Blooms! A Family Event

Bees and Blooms! A Family Event

Celebrate Pollinators and Native Plants

The Ankeny Hill Nature Center is hosting a free ‘Bees and Blooms’ event on Saturday, June 25th from 10 am-4 pm. All are welcome!
Volunteers will be onsite to engage visitors in outdoor activities that celebrate Oregon’s pollinators! Visitors are invited to discover the beauty and variety of our native bees and butterflies, create pollinator related crafts, take a native plant discovery walk on the trails, and more! Free information about native plants, their colors and bloom time and how to make pollinator friendly places at home.

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SAS Shorts Illahe Hills Country Club

Leaders: Paul Evans, Roxy Evans Please contact the leader at to confirm your registration for this trip.

Illahe Hills Country Club has been graciously hosting limited guided bird walks. Walks are open to Illahe Hills CC members, their guests, and limited Salem Audubon Society guests through registration with the leader. The course is close to Minto Brown Island Park and abuts local farms. Over 90 bird species have been recorded to date. Ospreys, Bald Eagles and Great Horned Owls nest here and are regularly seen. New birders are welcome!

Registered participants should meet in front of the Country Club entrance at 8:00 AM. Please park in the main parking area, not in front of the clubhouse! Dress for the weather and bring water, sun block, a hat and binoculars. Restroom facilities are available. We will be finished before 11:00 AM. Please contact the leader at to confirm your registration for this trip.

Directions: From Salem, proceed south on River Road to Country Club Road South and turn right (west) on Country Club Road South. Proceed a short distance and the country club with ample parking area will be straight ahead.

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Nature Reserve Work Party

Meet at the parking lot at 480 Eola Dr NW, West Salem. The work party does habitat restoration and trail maintenance among other tasks to keep the Nature Reserve a pleasant place for the community to visit and learn about our native flora and fauna.

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SAS Field Trip - Ankeny National Wildlife Refuge

  • Pintail Marsh Parking lot Ankeny Hill Wildlife Refuge (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The beginning of summer brings opportunities to view different wildlife and growing plants at the nature refuge. Meet at Ankeny Hill Nature Center (AHNC) Parking Lot at 7:00 AM. There are facilities at this location and the trails are now open! We will start here before visiting Pintail Marsh and other locations. Bring water, binoculars, and a snack. Trails can be uneven so please wear appropriate footwear. We anticipate finishing by noon. Directions: From Salem, take I-5 south to the Ankeny Hill Road exit (Exit 243) and turn right (west). At the Ankeny Hill Road/Wintel Road intersection continue strait on Wintel Rd. South. Watch for signs. An alternate route from Salem is to take Liberty Road south to Ankeny Hill Road,then turn right on Buena Vista Road South and continue to Wintel Road and turn left. Please do not leave valuables in your vehicle and confirm anything inside is out of sight. Leaders: Mike Unger and Tim Johnson

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SAS Shorts - Baskett Slough NWR

Leader: Harry Fuller (791) 312-1735 Established in 1965 as part of the Willamette Valley NWR Complex, Baskett Slough is primarily managed to provide wintering habitat for the Dusky Canada Goose, a subspecies of Canada Goose with very limited summer and winter ranges. This refuge also provides wetland and woodland sanctuary for migrant and resident wildlife, including Fender’s Blue Butterfly, once thought extinct but rediscovered here! We are meeting at the Rich Guadagno Trailhead, just off Coville Road, near the center of the refuge. Rich, a former manager at this NWR, perished in September 11, 2001, on United Flight 93. Walk and experience the flora and fauna who call this part of the refuge home. From the overlook you can see wetlands throughout the southern part of the refuge. Continue the loop trail through oak woodlands, listening for many passerine species. Raptors frequent the area as well in all seasons. Shorebirds migrate through this area in good numbers and they may be evident. Meet in the Rich Guadagno parking lot on Coville Road at Baskett Slough NWR. Restroom and picnic facilities are available. Bring water, binoculars, a snack, and dress for the weather. Trails may be uneven so please use appropriate footwear. We will finish around noon. Directions: From Salem, take Hwy 22 west to 99W. Proceed north to Coville Road and turn west (left). Continue to the trailhead which will be on your right. Restroom and picnic facilities are available.

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SAS-Shorts Illahe Hills Country Club

Monday, May 16 at 8:00 AM – Illahe Hills Country Club (Upcoming – Monday, June 20 at 8:00 AM)

Leaders: Paul Evans, Roxy Evans Please contact the leader at to confirm your registration for this trip.

Illahe Hills Country Club has been graciously hosting limited guided bird walks. Walks are open to Illahe Hills CC members, their guests, and limited Salem Audubon Society guests through registration with the leader. The course is close to Minto Brown Island Park and abuts local farms. Over 90 bird species have been recorded to date. Ospreys, Bald Eagles and Great Horned Owls nest here and are regularly seen. New birders are welcome!

Registered participants should meet in front of the Country Club entrance at 8:00 AM. Please park in the main parking area, not in front of the clubhouse! Dress for the weather and bring water, sun block, a hat and binoculars. Restroom facilities are available. We will be finished before 11:00 AM. Please contact the leader at to confirm your registration for this trip.

Directions: From Salem, proceed south on River Road to Country Club Road South and turn right (west) on Country Club Road South. Proceed a short distance and the country club with ample parking area will be straight ahead.

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Birders' Night

  • Broadway Commons - Mexico Room 304, Use elevator to access (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

“Rainbird Adventures- Birding CA and AZ” Paul and Roxy Evans will present an overview of bird photographs from their winter seasons in southern CA and Tucson, AZ. The spectacular images of the amazing bird life in this region is a fascinating collage of the wide variety of birds seen and enjoyed here.

Salem Audubon’s May Birders’ Night will be a hybrid event—live or on Zoom.

For any technical questions, please email Tim Johnson, For other questions, email Harry Fuller, Chair, Birder’s Night Committee,

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SAS-Shorts Willow Lake WWTP

Leader: Dominic Valenti (503) 507-7008

We will walk the 1.32 mile trail around the treatment ponds which will take us about 1.5 hours to complete. The bird species present here change dramatically along with the seasons. Gone will be the gulls, and many of the ducks and sparrows that hang out here in the winter. But they will be replaced by a variety of spring arrivals such as swallows, flycatchers, Black-headed Grosbeak, Western Tanager, and Yellow, Wilson’s, and Black-throated Gray warblers. We will also be on the lookout for Green Heron, Virginia Rail, and Sora, birds often present but infrequently seen.

We hope you to see you there!

Meet at the public parking lot, located off Windsor Island Road in Keizer. This is about 1/3 mile north of the intersection of Windsor Island Road and Lockhaven Drive. The parking lot will be on your right just before the main entrance to the treatment plant, which is closed to the public.

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Butterflies of Oregon ($5)

Butterflies are hugely popular as watchable wildlife. This webinar investigates Oregon’s butterflies with emphasis on butterflies seen in the Willamette Valley. We begin with an introduction to butterfly biology, life cycles, and classification. We then explore five of the six families including the skippers, beautiful swallowtails, the vibrant, energetic whites, oranges, and sulphurs, gossamer wings and brushfoots. Join us in our exploration of the continent’s butterfly fauna. Click on the registration link here

NOTE: You must register in advance for this webinar. The registration link is shown above in additional to the SAS website (under “Upcoming Events”)

For more information or if you have any difficulty with registration, please email Mike at

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Arbor Day Celebration

The Ankeny Hill Nature Center is hosting a free 150th Arbor Day Celebration, Saturday, April 30th, from 10am-4pm. Everyone is Welcome!

Participate in outdoor activities that celebrate native trees and their surprising secrets! Enjoy tree related crafts; explore tree remains in the Nature Explore area; take a tree discovery walk on the trails and more!

Wonderful trees provide cooling shade, clean our air, filter our water, and even prevent flooding in our cities.

Free native trees and shrubs will be available to the first 100 visitors!

This year marks the 150th anniversary of the tree planter’s holiday, and we’re excited to celebrate with you!

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to May 6

Gray's Harbor Shorebird Festival

  • Grays Harbor National Wildlife Refuge (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The peak shorebird viewing dates of 2022 are April 24 – May 6. To keep our communities safe in 2022, we are opting for a self-guided festival experience. Grays Harbor National Wildlife Refuge is open Sunrise to Sunset, 7 Days a week, and we invite you to enjoy our year-round trail. Should you have questions, concerns, or comments please contact us at

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SAS Shorts - Baskett Slough NWR

Leader: Harry Fuller (791) 312-1735 Established in 1965 as part of the Willamette Valley NWR Complex, Baskett Slough is primarily managed to provide wintering habitat for the Dusky Canada Goose, a subspecies of Canada Goose with very limited summer and winter ranges. This refuge also provides wetland and woodland sanctuary for migrant and resident wildlife, including Fender’s Blue Butterfly, once thought extinct but rediscovered here! We are meeting at the Rich Guadagno Trailhead, just off Coville Road, near the center of the refuge. Rich, a former manager at this NWR, perished in September 11, 2001, on United Flight 93. Walk and experience the flora and fauna who call this part of the refuge home. From the overlook you can see wetlands throughout the southern part of the refuge. Continue the loop trail through oak woodlands, listening for many passerine species. Raptors frequent the area as well in all seasons. Shorebirds migrate through this area in good numbers and they may be evident. Meet in the Rich Guadagno parking lot on Coville Road at Baskett Slough NWR. Restroom and picnic facilities are available. Bring water, binoculars, a snack, and dress for the weather. Trails may be uneven so please use appropriate footwear. We will finish around noon. Directions: From Salem, take Hwy 22 west to 99W. Proceed north to Coville Road and turn west (left). Continue to the trailhead which will be on your right. Restroom and picnic facilities are available.

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to Apr 24

Migratory Bird Festival

From the web site
We’re busy planning for an exciting festival experience in 2022! With Covid-19 still a deep concern, our event will continue being different than “normal”. We plan to offer several online presentations and workshops (like 2021), some go-at-your-own-pace IN PERSON activities (no van tours, or crowded indoor spaces) and even a few group opportunities – in the great outdoors, of course. Special opportunities for those who have purchased an annual membership (2020 or 2021) and have yet to be able to utilize it are also in the works. Follow us on social media for updates and information over the next few months. We’re looking forward to your participation! Thank you for supporting the Harney County Migratory Bird Festival and our community!
Spend an amazing weekend witnessing the spectacular spring migration in the Harney Basin of Southeast Oregon. View thousands of migratory birds as they rest and feed in the open spaces of Oregon's high desert. Held annually in April in Harney County.
The Harney County Migratory Bird Festival was first held in 1981 to celebrate the large annual migration of birds passing through Harney Basin on the Pacific Flyway. Harney Basin is one of the three most important areas left in the western United States for spring migratory birds stopping on their way north.
Over 300 species of birds use the refuge throughout each year, making Harney Basin a bird watcher's paradise. Today, we continue to celebrate the migratory birds' return each year with guided tours led by experts, workshops, and fun activities for both youth and adults.

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SAS Shorts - Riverfront Park

Riverfront Park is Salem’s premier urban event park, located along the Willamette River and near businesses, restaurants, entertainment, and other parks and trails. The park is also home to several Salem’s annual events, including The World Beat Festival, 4th of July Celebration, Summer Movies in The Park, Holiday Tree Lighting, and many walk/run events. The 26-acres of existing parkland is the result of industrial land conversion. Paper, flour, and woolen mills, as well as a coal gasification plant and an auto junkyard formerly occupied the site. Today, it features large grassy areas, an amphitheater, play equipment, a splash pad, and a covered Rotary Pavilion. A dock provides access to the Willamette River and the Willamette Queen Sternwheeler. Riverfront Park is also home to the Riverfront Carousel A.C. Gilbert Discovery Village and the EcoEarth Globe. It connects to Minto-Brown Island Park by the Peter Courtney Minto Island Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge and to Wallace Marine Park by the Union Street Railroad Bridge. We will explore this urban park and pass over the bridge into the north part of Minto-Brown Island Park.

Meet at south of the children’s playground next to the carousel. Restroom and picnic facilities are available. Bring water, binoculars, a snack, and dress for the weather. Trails may be uneven so please use appropriate footwear. We will finish by noon. Directions: The park is located at 200 Water Street NE in Salem. Parking is available on-site and nearby.

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SAS - Shorts - Willamette Mission Park

On this early spring day, we’ll walk approximately 2.5 miles on both paved and dirt trails along Mission Lake and the Willamette River. Osprey, Common Yellowthroat, Chipping Sparrow, Vaux’s Swift, and various swallow species will have recently arrived, and some overwintering Fox, Lincoln’s, and White-throated sparrows should still be present as well. This time of year is also great for seeing both subspecies of Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon’s and Myrtle) in their bright alternate plumages. We should finish up around noon. Meet in the Filbert Grove day-use area. A state park pass is required for this location. Single day permits can also be purchased for $5 from the fee station near the park entrance. Directions: From Salem, take River Road N through Keizer to Wheatland Road NE, which is just past the entry to McNary Estates. Turn left on Wheatland Road NE to the entrance to Willamette Mission State Park. An alternate way is to take I-5 north to the Brooks/Gervais exit (Brooklake Road NE), turn left, continue to Wheatland Road NE, turn right, and continue to the park entrance. Hope to see you there!

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