Leader: Barbara Dolan (971)772-4589
These early evening, nearing dusk – set of two Salem Audubon SHORT walks, will be on two summer evenings to seek and hear Common Nighthawk. Nest building does not occur in this species and the pair may use sandy/rocky areas, stumps, old nests and rooftops to nest. These birds hawk for insects at dusk, at times, night and day, but predominantly evening. We will take a loop from the 3rd parking lot to the river and return hoping to hear and see these birds. We will also enjoy other species connected with water including Osprey and hopefully nestlings on their platform. Spotted Sandpiper, Great Blue Heron and possibly Rough-winged Swallow and other migrants that have nested and/or use the river shoreline or cavities and woodland maybe seen or heard.
Note the evening time is different than the July walk. The walks will be on mostly even surface. If the day is a warm one, suggest good hydration before you come, and prepare for glaring sun reflection and protection while walking along the river. Meet at the #3 parking lot as you enter from River Road S and go west to the #3 lot. Gather at the signage to correct interfering in parking lot traffic. Call the leader if questions.
Meet at Minto-Brown Island Park Parking Lot #3 (the last parking lot in the park). Dress for weather, bring water, binoculars and eye protection for glare along the river. Trails may be uneven so wear appropriate footwear. Each walk will last approximately 1 hour 15 minutes. Once parked, please gather at the signage board to not interfere with other park traffic.
Directions: From River Road South, turn west at the signal at Minto Island Road and proceed to the last parking lot. Please do not leave valuables in your vehicle and confirm anything inside is out of sight.