General Birding Resources
Birding Code of Ethics (American Birding Association) -- View Here
What binoculars are best for observing birds? Cornell's Lab of Ornithology offers some useful information on selecting binoculars for birding. Also, see this article on choosing binoculars.
Nine Tips for Beginning Bird Watchers. Cornell's Lab of Ornithology provides some useful tips for beginners.
Where to place your bird nest boxes? -- Cornell's Lab of Ornithology provides a concise description of nesting and habitat requirements for cavity-nesting birds, along with links to their species accounts.
Local/Regional Birding/Wildlife Resources
Neighborhood Naturalist -- http://www.neighborhood-naturalist.com
Chintinim Wildlife Center — https://chintiminiwildlife.org/
American Birding Association -- http://aba.org/
American Bird Conservancy -- www.abcbirds.org/
American Ornithologists' Union -- www.aou.org/
Cornell Lab of Ornithology eBird online database of bird observations-- http://ebird.org/content/ebird/about
North American Bluebird Society -- http://www.nabluebirdsociety.org
National Audubon Society -- http://www.audubon.org/
Audubon Society of Corvallis -- http://www.audubon.corvallis.or.us
Audubon Society of Lincoln City -- http://www.lincolncityaudubon.org/
Audubon Society of Portland -- http://audubonportland.org/
Cascades Raptor Center -- http://www.eraptors.org/
East Cascades Audubon/Oregon Birding Locations Map -- http://www.ecaudubon.org/
Institute of Applied Ecology -- www.appliedeco.org
Oregon Department of Wildlife: Living with Wildlife -- http://www.dfw.state.or.us/wildlife/living_with/birds.asp
Oregon Department of Wildlife: Wildlife Rehabilitation -- http://www.dfw.state.or.us/wildlife/rehabilitation/index.asp
Oregon Birds Online Message Board (OBOL) -- http://freelists.org/list/obol
Oregon Wildlife Heritage Foundation -- http://www.owhf.org
Oregon Birding Association (formerly Oregon Field Ornithologists) -- https://oregonbirding.org/
The Willamette Valley Birders' Message Board -- http://midvalleybirding.org
Birding Festivals
Some of the best festivals take place at or near national wildlife refuges
For a wonderful nature show, it’s hard to beat a bird festival. Some of the best bird fests occur at or near national wildlife refuges. That’s not surprising, given that these public lands are such birdy places.
National wildlife refuges, managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, also have resident bird experts and dedicated wildlife viewing areas.
Here is our 2022 calendar of bird festivals at or near refuges. Many are returning to normal or near-normal form for the first year after they were cancelled or turned into virtual events in 2021, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In-person events fill up fast, so consider registering ahead if you go. Be safe and avoid crowding. Some festivals charge a registration or activity fee.
In cases where exact dates aren’t yet available, we’ve listed the general timeframe. Bird Festival Planner information courtesy US Fish & Wildlife Service
Wings of Winter
Buchanan, TN
January 14-16, 2022
The festival traditionally includes field trips to Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge and Cross Creeks National Wildlife Refuge. Take part in workshops on wildlife photography, beginning birding and journaling/poetry writing about birding.
Festival of the Cranes
Decatur, AL
January 15-16, 2022
See wintering sandhill cranes, whooping cranes and white pelicans at Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge in Alabama. Wheeler Refuge boasts the state’s largest population of wintering ducks. Enjoy workshops, nature walks, live raptors and kids’ activities.
Snow Goose Festival of the Pacific Flyway
Chico, CA
January 27-30, 2022
See thousands of birds lift off from Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge and Delevan National Wildlife Refuge. Some years include a field trip to Colusa National Wildlife Refuge.
Winter Wildlife Festival
Virginia Beach, VA
January 28-30, 2022
Cap off a month-long celebration of coastal wildlife with three days of guided tours. These include trips to Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge.
Sparrow Fest
Marble Falls, TX
January 29, 2022
The central Texas Hill Country is a great place to see America’s native sparrows in late winter. The annual Sparrow Fest is hosted by the Friends of Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge. Visit the refuge and learn about the 20-plus native species regularly seen in central Texas.
Space Coast Birding and Wildlife Festival
Cape Canaveral, FL
February 2-6, 2022
Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge is a field trip destination for this annual bird festival, billed as one of the country’s largest.
San Francisco Bay Flyway Festival
Vallejo, CA
February 11-13, 2022
The annual festival celebrates the more than a million shorebirds and hundreds of thousands of ducks plus hawks and other wildlife that pass through the Bay Area. The festival traditionally includes field trips to San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge.
San Diego Bird Festival
San Diego, CA
February 16-20, 2022
The festival traditionally offers field trips to San Diego National Wildlife Refuge, San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge and Tijuana Slough National Wildlife Refuge. Also featured: workshops, sea bird trips and cultural activities.
Winter Wings Bird Festival
Klamath Falls, OR
February 18-20, 2022
The three-day festival offers visitors the chance to visit one or more of the nearby Klamath Basin Refuges — Lower Klamath, Upper Klamath, Tule Lake, Klamath Marsh, Bear Valley and Clear Lake — as well as Crater Lake National Park and other area birding hotspots.
Whooping Crane Festival
Port Aransas, TX
February 24-27, 2022
Port Aransas, about 90 minutes from Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, bills itself as “America’s Birdiest Small Coastal City.” Festival-goers have a chance to see cranes in their winter habitat.
Florida Scrub-Jay Festival
Volusia County, FL
Spring 2022
The festival celebrates the only bird species unique to the Sunshine State. Florida scrub-jays are found at Nathaniel P. Reed Hobe Sound National Wildlife Refuge, Lake Wales Ridge National Wildlife Refuge and Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. Enjoy live music, guided nature walks, live animal displays, children’s crafts and environmental exhibits.
Galveston, TX
April 21-24, 2022
The festival traditionally includes field trips to Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge, San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge and Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge.
Harney County Migratory Bird Festival
Burns, OR
April 21-24, 2022
Celebrate birds’ spring migration through southeast Oregon’s Harney Basin. Hundreds of species of birds pass through the high desert area. Nearby Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is a traditional field trip destination. Enjoy tours, workshops and other events.
“Ding” Darling Day
Fort Myers, FL
April 24, 2022
This annual conservation festival, previously held in October at J. N. “Ding’’ Darling National Wildlife Refuge in Sanibel, was rescheduled and moved to Fort Myers to better serve local communities and draw a wider audience. Events include bird walks, bring-your-own bike tours and family activities.
Grays Harbor Shorebird and Nature Festival
Hoquiam, WA
April 29-May 1, 2022
Each spring, hundreds of thousands of shorebirds pause on their way north to rest and feed along the Washington coast and in the Grays Harbor estuary. Some of these Arctic-bound shorebirds come from as far south as Argentina, making them among the world’s longest-distance travelers. Grays Harbor National Wildlife Refuge and other local birding hotspots traditionally have a role in the festival.
Kachemak Bay Shorebird Festival
Homer, AK
May 4-8, 2022
This large Alaska wildlife-viewing festival honors the spring migration of shorebirds through Kachemak Bay. The festival is sponsored by the Friends of Alaska National Wildlife Refuges and Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge.
Horicon Marsh Bird Festival
Marsh Haven Nature Center, WI
May 6-8, 2022
Enjoy guided birding hikes, bus tours and paddles, bird-banding demos, special exhibits and kid’s activities. The festival is sponsored by Horicon Marsh Bird Club, Horicon National Wildlife Refuge, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and Marsh Haven Nature Center.
The Biggest Week in American Birding
Northwest Ohio
May 6-15, 2022
Organized by Black Swamp Bird Observatory, the festival coincides with the peak of spring bird migration in the state’s Lake Erie marsh region. The festival traditionally features field trips to Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge and Magee Marsh Wildlife Area.
Great Salt Lake Bird Festival
Farmington, UT
May 12-15, 2022
Field trips will have attendance caps and will be self-drive to protect the safety of attendees, volunteers and partners. Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge is among the festival’s traditional field trip destinations. Event headquarters is at Farmington Bay Waterfowl Management Area on the edge of the Great Salt Lake.
World Migratory Bird Day
May 14, 2022
The United States and Canada traditionally celebrate the second Saturday in May as World Migratory Bird Day. The annual event celebrates the migration of nearly 350 species of migratory birds between nesting habitats in North America and non-breeding grounds in Latin America, Mexico and the Caribbean. Many wildlife refuges take part in the celebrations.
Festival of the Birds
Detroit Lakes, MN
May 19-21, 2022
Detroit Lakes is located in a transition zone between tall grass prairie, northern hardwood and conifer forest. That means there are many kinds of birds. On-site tours include trips to Hamden Slough National Wildlife Refuge, Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge and other conservation areas. The festival will kick off with birding by boat.
Tualatin River Bird Festival
May 21, 2022
Health conditions permitting, this free festival will resume its usual in-person, family-friendly format. Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge and its Friends group plan the annual event.
Down East Spring Birding Festival
Trescott, ME
May 27-29, 2022
The festival during spring migration and breeding season includes guided hikes, boat tours, and presentations, all led by knowledgeable local guides. This festival traditionally includes field trips to Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge, an event sponsor. The Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife named the festival one of the country’s best.
Arctic Refuge Virtual Bird Fest
2022 date TBD
More than 200 bird species have been recorded at Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Birds that breed there have ranges that reach five other continents and all 50 states. This virtual festival connects people across the globe to this remote yet iconic landscape.
Wings Over Willapa Festival
Long Beach, WA
September 23-25, 2022
The festival includes tours, presentations and workshops to celebrate birds and Willapa National Wildlife Refuge. Field trips traditionally go to Leadbetter Point, Long Island and other refuge units as well as Cape Disappointment State Park, Willapa Bay and the Pacific Ocean.
Ridgefield Birdfest and Bluegrass
Ridgefield, WA
October 1, 2022
Celebrate fall and local wildlife with Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge and Friends of Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge. The annual festival highlights the refuge, nature and the region’s cultural history. In past years, events have included bird shows, music, hikes, family arts and crafts, and educational activities.
John L. Borom Alabama Coastal BirdFest
Spanish Fort, AL
October 5-8, 2022
This Gulf Coast event traditionally includes guided birding tours at Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge in Alabama and Grand Bay National Wildlife Refuge in Mississippi.
Festival of the Cranes
Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, NM
November 18-20, 2022
Thousands of sandhill cranes and snow geese overwinter at picturesque Bosque del Apache Refuge, about an hour’s drive south from Albuquerque. This famous bird fest celebrates the birds’ arrival and draws visitors from around the world. The festival, hosted by the Friends of Bosque del Apache Refuge, includes workshops, tours and wildlife photography lessons.
Fall Flight Festival
Las Vegas National Wildlife Refuge, NM
Every Sunday in November
From 8 a.m. to noon each Sunday, visitors can take a self-guided tour of wetlands and bird habitat along a 4 ½ mile wildlife drive normally closed to the public. Volunteer roving naturalists are on hand with spotting scopes to help identify birds, including waterfowl, eagles and sandhill cranes. The annual festival is co-hosted by the Friends of Las Vegas Refuge.
Eagle Days
Forest City, MO
December 3-4, 2022
Celebrate the annual Eagle Days at Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge. Drive the auto tour route and visit interpretive and outreach stations. See eagles, ducks, geese, and trumpeter swans.