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SAS Shorts - Baskett Slough NWR

  • Baskett Slough NWR Coville Road, off Hwy. 99W east of Hwy 22 Dallas, Polk County, OR (map)

Leader: Harry Fuller (791) 312-1735 Established in 1965 as part of the Willamette Valley NWR Complex, Baskett Slough is primarily managed to provide wintering habitat for the Dusky Canada Goose, a subspecies of Canada Goose with very limited summer and winter ranges. This refuge also provides wetland and woodland sanctuary for migrant and resident wildlife, including Fender’s Blue Butterfly, once thought extinct but rediscovered here! We are meeting at the Rich Guadagno Trailhead, just off Coville Road, near the center of the refuge. Rich, a former manager at this NWR, perished in September 11, 2001, on United Flight 93. Walk and experience the flora and fauna who call this part of the refuge home. From the overlook you can see wetlands throughout the southern part of the refuge. Continue the loop trail through oak woodlands, listening for many passerine species. Raptors frequent the area as well in all seasons. Shorebirds migrate through this area in good numbers and they may be evident. Meet in the Rich Guadagno parking lot on Coville Road at Baskett Slough NWR. Restroom and picnic facilities are available. Bring water, binoculars, a snack, and dress for the weather. Trails may be uneven so please use appropriate footwear. We will finish around noon. Directions: From Salem, take Hwy 22 west to 99W. Proceed north to Coville Road and turn west (left). Continue to the trailhead which will be on your right. Restroom and picnic facilities are available.

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SAS Field Trip - Ankeny National Wildlife Refuge

June 8

Restored Upland/Wetland Prairie/Oak Savannah Tour